Parker Tutoring Agreement
Thanks for visiting my website! If you choose to have me tutor your son or daughter the following is a list of agreements and expectations I have to make tutoring run
as smoothly as possible.
Materials every student receives:
- Binder with strategies/materials
- College Board book with 10 practice tests
Things you can expect from me as a tutor:
- Coming to wherever the student wants to meet (house, library, or school)
- Punctuality to tutoring sessions.
- Prompt responses to calls or emails (within a day) from both students and parents.
- Score Improvement- Most students improve significantly. However, if you are unsatisfied with your child’s improvement I will personally tutor them for free until
you are satisfied.
- I offer a free diagnostic session after students receive their score report to go over what areas they can work on.
Things I expect from the student(s) and parents of the students I tutor:
- Completion of all homework assignments. These typically take about 2 hours a week and consist of practice tests and weekly vocabulary.
- Sticking to the schedule we have agreed upon before the first meeting. I give one free reschedule per 20 hours, but after the first one you are not guaranteed
to get all 20 hours.
- If you do decide to reschedule please give at least 24 hours notice unless there are extreme circumstances (having a lot of homework or a last minute project does not